This extraordinary project was meticulously conceived and executed by the talented team at AMF Fashion Agency, with Anthony Flamos at the helm as both the founder and General Director. Held in the fashionable 17th Arrondissement in Paris, near the enchanting Parc Monceau, the shooting captured the essence of elegance and sophistication that both AMF Fashion Agency and 0770 are renowned for. With Flamos's impeccable direction and the agency's exceptional attention to detail, this collaborative endeavor resulted in a truly unforgettable and visually captivating experience.
Photography: @saint_ambroise
Creative Direction: AMF Showroom Creative Team
Styling: @tflamos100
Videography: @lm_prod
Hair: @florianmalingehairstylist
Make-up: @prunelle_makeup
Model: @angeline_parent
Accessories: @_0770_
Lighting: @lofioravantii